and the Good Friday Appeal Crits on 18 April 2025

(no crits on Christmas and New Year’s Days)


Note: Events may be cancelled if conditions are hazardous due to wet roads or other unforeseen circumstances.

  • When

    The crits are back! We have structured the season to make maximum and best use of the available daylight and provide the same number of race events for Women and Open Grades.
    The table below shows structure of the season.

  • Where

    The Teardrop criterium circuit on Yarra Boulevard, Kew, see here (Melways ref 44 G4).

  • Women's Racing

    We run women only races every week of the season except for 16 October and 26 March, due to limited daylight.

    There are three grades available A, B and C (C grade is suitable for riders looking to see what racing is about).

    For the two weeks when we don't run women’s grades, we encourage stronger women to enter open grades.

    New for the 2024/25 season are the Women’s C grade ‘Learn to Race’ evenings. On these evenings our friendly ride marshals guide WC riders around the Teardrop passing on hints and tips on racing safely. Great for female riders who are new to racing or new to the Teardrop. There are three more of these evenings for the 2024/25 season: January 22, February 19 and April 2.

  • Safety

    Safety is a key focus for HCC that we emphasise in the HCC crits. Read our Crit Racing Safety Rules here.

    Two safety steps we have are ride and corner marshals. Our skilled ride marshals accompany races to guide grade passing and generally keep riders safe. Our corner marshals look out for walkers and mountain bike riders who might inadvertently wonder on the course. They also take action to neutralise races in the case of race incidents.

    In addition to the marshals, we have engaged Medical Edge to provide professional first aid services in the case there is an accident.

  • Race Director's Awards

    These are back, in an improved form. Each fortnight Pedla will present one male and one female rider with the award, a unique Pedla ‘Teardrop’ jersey in the winner’s size.

    The winners are drawn at random from two select rider pools (one male and the other female).  Riders are included in their respective prize pool each time in the preceding two weeks’ races they have:
    1. placed in the top 20% of the
    grade they raced;
    2. raced with their perpetual
    numbers and frame plate; and
    3. raced in a manner consistent
    with AusCycling and HCC rules
    and values.

  • An Introduction to Crit racing

    If you want to find out more about what crit racing involves and the local scene in Melbourne click: here

  • Volunteering at the Crits

    The volunteer team are an essential and highly valued component of the success and safety of the crits. Our team finds volunteering rewarding, an opportunity to catch up with people, and fun.

    To find out more about volunteering at the crits, click here